About Women of Grace

Our Mission

To go into all the world to share the Good News that our Father is not holding any of our sins against us, and to reconcile women to the love of the Father by inviting them to receive His Grace and His free gift of righteousness through faith in Jesus!

Our Vision

To host Women of Grace conferences around the US and the world and provide resources to encourage women to live free from the bondage of the law and live in the freedom of God’s grace. Every message you hear will be focused on Jesus and His finished work! It is our desire to empower women to embrace their true identity in Jesus, live in the freedom of God’s grace, and find their value and purpose in Him!

Our Audience

Women of Grace shares with all women of every race, regardless of their religious affiliation, that they are equally valuable and loved by the King of kings!

The Lord gives the word [of power]; the women who bear and publish [the news] are a great host.– Psalm 68:11 AMP

Together we will change the world through the Gospel of Grace!