Capetown, South Africa
Knysna, South Africa
Nelspruit, South Africa

Conference Speakers

Connie Witter
Connie Witter, founder of Because of Jesus Ministries is a speaker, teacher, and the author of numerous Bible studies and books that focus on Jesus and His finished work. After 20 years of struggling to "measure up" Connie cried out for the Truth that would set her free from the frustration and disappointment of trying to qualify herself for God's blessings. This began her journey out of darkness into the marvelous light of Jesus and His unconditional love and grace. Whether ministering in a church, conference, prison or at her weekly Bible study, Connie's passion is for everyone's heart to be awakened to their true identity as a blessed & loved child of God! Connie’s TV program, “Because of Jesus with Connie Witter,” airs nationally every Wednesday morning at 8:30 AM on direct TV 363, Cox Channel 23 in Tulsa, OK, KUGB TV 28.1 in Houston, TX, and worldwide on her ministry website: BecauseofJesus.com.
Sandra McCollom
Sandra McCollom is the co-founder, with her husband Steve, of Freedom Living Ministries. She’s a speaker and author of I Tried Until I Almost Died – From Anxiety & Frustration to Rest & Relaxation. For the first 34 years of her life, as a Christian, she lived in almost constant stress. Running on her “treadmill of accomplishment” and desperately trying to live the Christian life by her own efforts left her feeling anxious, frustrated and exhausted. At the end of 2011 Sandra told God she just couldn’t live the Christian life any longer and admitted she needed serious help. God responded by giving her a deep revelation of His love for her. It’s been 6 years and Sandra’s life is totally transformed! One of her favorite ways to help others learn how to live the grace life is through her blog at SandraMccollom.com

Gwen Myrie
Gwendolyn Myrie founder of Reigning through Righteousness Ministries, is a minister of the New Covenant of grace. Gwen’s passage out of law into grace came as a result of BURNOUT from filling her life with the work of the church. Done with her self-effort to be approved by God, she cried out to Jesus to reveal himself to her. Now with heart and eyes wide open, Gwen’s passion is to reveal Jesus and the true heart of the Father that will set His children free from performance-based religion into the glorious liberty of being sons and daughters of the Most High! Gwen ministers at women’s conferences, Bible studies, and prison ministry outreaches. She is a graduate of Victory Bible Institute and ORU Ministry Training & Development Program.

Shannan Orr
Shannan Orr prided herself on being a “good girl.” At age 14, she was drawn to Jesus having heard about the love of God, and then immediately set about trying to be good enough to deserve His love! She spent nearly 30 years volunteering at church in hopes of hearing “Well done, thy good and faithful servant.” Shannan felt born-again again after reading Connie Witter’s Bible study, “Because of Jesus” and realizing that her right standing with God was a gift of His love, not something to be earned. Shannan's books “Refocus” and “Yes I Am” preschool curriculum are part of the BOJM resources to help people of all ages understand the love of God and their identity in Christ. Her visual teaching style flows from her 30+ years of children’s ministry, making the good news of Jesus simple enough for even adults to understand. For more information on her ministry, visit her website at refocusontruth.com.